Affordable Housing
Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP is the preferred destination for developers of affordable housing in Rhode Island. In our practice, our attorneys assist our clients in structuring the acquisition and development of affordable housing properties in order to maximize funding sources. Sources of funding for affordable housing have seen robust growth, and our attorneys have a significant history with a myriad of funding sources, including funds from the syndication of federal tax credits and the use of federal and state historic tax credits, funds from Rhode Island Housing, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Building Homes Rhode Island, the Rhode Island Neighborhood Opportunities Program, HOME funds (administered both through state and municipal sources), lead and other environmental cleanup sources, and Federal Home Loan Bank financing (typically funded through a local bank).
Affordable housing developments frequently give rise to complex land use and zoning issues. Often, sponsors and developers need to file Comprehensive Permit applications to obtain zoning relief. CR&F attorneys routinely aid our clients in navigating these proceedings. The firm has also had great success representing its clients in matters relating to the Low and Moderate Income Housing Act before the State Housing Appeals Board, the Rhode Island Superior and the Supreme Court of Rhode Island. CR&F's deep understanding of corporate/partnership issues, tax law, and real estate and land use issues, ensure our clients are well positioned to achieve their goals.